
Showing posts from 2019

Creative Critical Reflection

Here is a link to my creative critical reflection for my film opening "Waldo's Wacky Adventure".

Film Opening Final Draft

Here is the link: After considering the suggestions made by my peers, I made a few changes to my film opening. The first thing I changed was the collection of footage. I took more shots to build the opening to a stronger level. Another comment was that the title was hard to see at the end of the film. Accordingly, I changed the titles to fit the theme better. Overall, I just made a few other subtle changes meant to make my film opening clearer to understand and enjoy.

Film Opening Rough Draft Link

Here is my link to the first draft of my film opening.

Editing Week Two

This week I continued editing my film opening. Last week, I inserted the primary footage that I needed to include. I shot more footage throughout the week but it still needs another 40 seconds of shots. I will need to film more over spring break. I created title slides for the film opening over this week. I made several that included the "production" company, director, star actor, and name of the film. I made sure to make the font and words fit the theme of the film. I also learned how to shorten films to move smoothly between shots.

Editing Week 1

This week I started to edit my film opening. First, I collected all my footage and uploaded them to my computer. I created a new project on Premier Pro and inserted my files. Next, I placed all my footage in the appropriate order I wanted them in. I made sure to line them up evenly in the sequence of shots. I double-checked the sound on each scene to make sure it was audible. After watching them lined up in the right way, I created the title sequence to finish the opening shots: titled "Waldo's Wacky Adventure". The full sequence, apart from a couple of shots I still need to film and background music, only ended up being a minute long. Next week I plan to create more shots to include and gather music for each scene. This will help the sequence fill the 2-minute expectation. I've already grasped a better understanding for how the program works, so next week I will be able to do everything easier.

Filming Week 2

This week I started to film footage for my opening. First, I took a pan video of the sunrise one morning. I thought this footage could be used when Mickey has his voice over. This would be a good beginning to introduce the character and set the mood. It gives off a feeling of reflection and renewal, comparable to Waldo's return to school. Then I took a video of Mickey giving his voice over that will play over this scene. I managed to film his bookcase as well which could be included in the beginning lineup to emphasize his exposure to the outside world, as I mentioned in my last post. After this, I got a few shots of Mickey putting his hat on and grabbing his backpack to get out to the car and head to school.   Next, I took some footage in school to grasp Waldo's character as a high school student. I took several shots of him walking through the hallways. His acting made him seem interested and perplexed in this new environment. This was a long shot. I got foo

Filming Week 1

This week I wrote my script and complete outline for my film opening. I also determined the primary site for my shots: my house and school. I found specific shots that I thought could impact the opening.  This photo is of the bookcase in "Waldo's" room. The array of classic novels demonstrates Waldo's international relevance and awareness. These books are a testament to the experiences he's had across the world. This picture is of an empty wallet. This shot serves as a clear representation to Waldo's financial insecurity. I plan to have the voice over align with this image complementing it, with Mickey remarking, "now, I'm broke". This photo is of Mickey's backpack against a white wall which will be a shot in the opening sequence when Mickey is preparing for school.  This week we put together Mickey's complete costume. He has a red and white striped shirt and hat, as well as black circular glasses. 

Preparing to Film

This week, I will be planning the details involved with my film to expedite progress throughout the next coming weeks. Actors: My brother, Mickey, will play Waldo in my film opening. Other AICE Media students, who are willing, will play high school students Waldo interacts with in the film. Costumes: Mickey will be wearing a red and white striped shirt, a corresponding hat, and black circular glasses. The other students will wear normal clothes of their choosing. Props: Mickey's accessories will act as props. I will use desks, backpacks, basic pencil supplies and my brother's car throughout the opening. Locations: The first location will be at my house. The footage will be mostly Mickey performing basic tasks to get ready, such as eating breakfast, brushing his hair, and getting his backpack together. The next location will be in school. One shot will be in the classroom demonstrating the differences between Waldo and the other students. The next shot will be in the


For my film opening, I chose to use the Waldo character.  The film will begin with "Waldo", played by my brother, getting ready for school. In the voice over in this first scene, Waldo will explain how he used to travel the world and visit famous landmarks, but he ran out of money. He says that each job he applied to rejected him because he never graduated high school. This is when the audience can predict the plot to a greater extent. In this first sequence of shots, Waldo will appear peculiar when he picks a shirt out of a closet full of the same shirt, eats a breakfast of lucky charms, and has a backpack that only has crayons and paper in it. Waldo is shown driving to school with a very excited expression. Waldo will walk into school and joyful music will play in the background. Waldo will find his first class with an establishing shot of the room, making him stand out. Next, Waldo will walk down the hallway and wave to random students in the hallway. Waldo will be sho


After watching the film openings, I learned the important components of an effective opening. In many openings, the students made sure to establish the dynamic between characters and set the scene for an engaging film. This was effective in drawing the audience in to the plot. I also noticed the unique ways in which student's showed the title. I want to make my title fit the mood of the scene. Each opening took advantage of non-diegetic sound. In the form of background music, voice-overs, and sound effects, this audio improved viewer's experience. I learned that a wide variety of shots is important to make an interesting opening. Through the distinct close-ups and establishing shots, the viewer can grasp a better understanding of the context. The editing in the openings was impressive and utilized professional transitions between shots. When editing my shots, I will make sure to make each cut smooth. The lighting and angles are important to making the image come out nicely. Ove

What Inspired Me?

I was inspired to pursue a film opening in comedy because it is the genre that can make everyone laugh-- and everyone loves to laugh. The ability to evoke such a positive emotion in your audience is such a strong quality that I want to replicate. Romantic comedies, family comedies, and slapstick comedies are household favorites and can entertain all members of families. I remember growing up and watching movies that are funny to everyone watching. Since then, I've always enjoyed watching comedies because it simply makes you happy. That feeling is something I hope to execute in my work. Not only do comedies make people laugh, they sometimes show a deeper meaning. For example, the lovable movie, "The Truman Show"(1998) involves traditional jokes and typical comedic components; however, Truman Burbank, the main character, seems to be going crazy when he thinks that his whole life is part of a television set. This movie brings up a deeper meaning of manipulation and decep

Film Opening Project

I will do the film opening individually and the genre will be comedy.