
Showing posts from November 4, 2018

My Favorite Genre - PowerPoint


Film Viewing Practice Essay

The use of film elements enhances the overall impact of cinematic productions. The director's choices make a huge difference in the final outcome. The cinematography, editing, sound, and mise-en-scene technique was an effective way to share the themes. In this clip from Marvel's Agent Carter, the director uses these techniques in the best way, improving the effect of the movie.  First, cinematographic choices improved the impact of the scene. In the first scene the editor captures the audience's attention with the use of close-up shots. Close-up shots allow subjects to display their emotions and connect with the audience. The director's choice to have extreme close-up shots of the picture frames of each other emphasize the emotional connection between them, and create suspense, intriguing the audience. The next notable choice the director made was the several establishing shots used throughout the scene. Images of New York City, the control room, the office, and the