
Showing posts from January 27, 2019

Preparing to Film

This week, I will be planning the details involved with my film to expedite progress throughout the next coming weeks. Actors: My brother, Mickey, will play Waldo in my film opening. Other AICE Media students, who are willing, will play high school students Waldo interacts with in the film. Costumes: Mickey will be wearing a red and white striped shirt, a corresponding hat, and black circular glasses. The other students will wear normal clothes of their choosing. Props: Mickey's accessories will act as props. I will use desks, backpacks, basic pencil supplies and my brother's car throughout the opening. Locations: The first location will be at my house. The footage will be mostly Mickey performing basic tasks to get ready, such as eating breakfast, brushing his hair, and getting his backpack together. The next location will be in school. One shot will be in the classroom demonstrating the differences between Waldo and the other students. The next shot will be in the


For my film opening, I chose to use the Waldo character.  The film will begin with "Waldo", played by my brother, getting ready for school. In the voice over in this first scene, Waldo will explain how he used to travel the world and visit famous landmarks, but he ran out of money. He says that each job he applied to rejected him because he never graduated high school. This is when the audience can predict the plot to a greater extent. In this first sequence of shots, Waldo will appear peculiar when he picks a shirt out of a closet full of the same shirt, eats a breakfast of lucky charms, and has a backpack that only has crayons and paper in it. Waldo is shown driving to school with a very excited expression. Waldo will walk into school and joyful music will play in the background. Waldo will find his first class with an establishing shot of the room, making him stand out. Next, Waldo will walk down the hallway and wave to random students in the hallway. Waldo will be sho