
Showing posts from October 21, 2018

Film Elements Graphic Organizer



I decided to comment on the mise-en-scene in the American television sitcom, Friends. Set in New York City, the show incorporates establishing shots of the city in transitions between scenes. While a large part of the episodes are shot in the city, it also includes distinct sets for the different settings. The series is notorious for the clothing and lifestyles of 20-30 year olds in the 90s through the costumes and performance of actors. I made this decision because I am currently watching Friends, and I really love the comedic aspect of the show. Watching the show makes you love New York City and get a feel of life during the 1990s. The episode I chose to use was the first episode of the entire series. This episode best shows the mise-en-scene of the show because it is first introducing all the main characters. The episode is titled "The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate." The series intro uses shallow space. The group is seated on a couch in front of a fountain in Central