Filming Week 1

This week I wrote my script and complete outline for my film opening. I also determined the primary site for my shots: my house and school.

I found specific shots that I thought could impact the opening. 
This photo is of the bookcase in "Waldo's" room. The array of classic novels demonstrates Waldo's international relevance and awareness. These books are a testament to the experiences he's had across the world.

This picture is of an empty wallet. This shot serves as a clear representation to Waldo's financial insecurity. I plan to have the voice over align with this image complementing it, with Mickey remarking, "now, I'm broke".

This photo is of Mickey's backpack against a white wall which will be a shot in the opening sequence when Mickey is preparing for school. 

This week we put together Mickey's complete costume. He has a red and white striped shirt and hat, as well as black circular glasses. 
