
After watching the film openings, I learned the important components of an effective opening. In many openings, the students made sure to establish the dynamic between characters and set the scene for an engaging film. This was effective in drawing the audience in to the plot. I also noticed the unique ways in which student's showed the title. I want to make my title fit the mood of the scene. Each opening took advantage of non-diegetic sound. In the form of background music, voice-overs, and sound effects, this audio improved viewer's experience. I learned that a wide variety of shots is important to make an interesting opening. Through the distinct close-ups and establishing shots, the viewer can grasp a better understanding of the context. The editing in the openings was impressive and utilized professional transitions between shots. When editing my shots, I will make sure to make each cut smooth. The lighting and angles are important to making the image come out nicely. Overall, I plan to use a variety of shots, effective sound effects, professional lighting, smooth editing, and interesting title slides to make my film opening the best it can be. I'm going to be doing a comedy and I think I want the setting to be in a high school.

Important elements I want to include in my film opening;

  • Variety of shots
    • establishing shot of the school
    • tracking shot following the head of a student
    • wide shot to show a classroom
  • Effective sound effects (diegetic and non-diegetic sound)
    • school bells
    • footsteps
    • soft music that fits the mood
    • students talking
  • Professional lighting
    • try to find the best lighting source for the scenes
    • make sure the lighting remains consistent
  • Smooth editing
    • use Premier Pro to make smooth transitions among shots
  • Titles 
    • use an appropriate font that embodies the film in the title
