Film Opening Research #1- Love Actually (2003)

Film: Love Actually

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? 
There are three: the distribution company, Universal, the production company, Working Title, and the association company, Studio Canal. The film opening only tributes the film to these three companies to make sure the audience pays attention to the opening message and narration. At the end of the opening the words "love actually is all around", and emphasizes the word "is" in red. Then, the words "love actually" remain, with a red coloration of the word "love" to develop the general theme of love.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The opening sequence includes medium shots of families reconnecting in the Heathrow Airport. There is a blurry disposition to show the vast numbers of people. The demographics of the different people are diverse and unique to the other. Hugs, kisses, and smiles are exchanged between family members and loved ones throughout the first sequence of shots.

What connotations do the images carry?
The images carry the connotation of love-- as one could easily guess. When families reconnect, there is a joyous and celebratory feeling that the audience feels. The diverse groups of people emphasize how love is recognized by all people. The importance of love  is represented by the quantity of people expressing it. The images convey the universal value of love.

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The genre of this film is romance, as evidenced by the opening portray of love. The symbolic codes include the setting, mise-en-scene, and the acting. The setting of the movie is London, which is a very influential city that is recognized as a romantic destination by many.  The costumes of the people in the airport are typical outfits of  average people in airports. This allows the audience to connect more to the message being said. The acting represents joy and undeniable love. The connection between the subjects seems real and authentic. The technical codes include camerawork, audio, editing and lighting. Most of the shots in the opening scene are medium shots, setting two subjects into the frame. The choice to have this shot represents the connections between the different people. The audio includes a soft classical melody and a voice-over from whom we later find to be the main character. The different shots are edited to seem as if all actions are taking place at one time, again emphasizing the constant displays of love. The lighting is bright to emphasize the innocent essence of love.

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The film establishes an enigma by opening with a general reflection on the love represented in airports, especially the Heathrow Airport. The audience is interested to see how stories will play out and how it will connect to the opening representation of love. There are no distinct characters formally introduced in the opening so the plot line is still a mystery to the audience, preserving the enigma of love. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
Even though this movie is a romantic comedy, the opening scene only expresses it as a romance movie. Romantic movies are typically targeted towards women, but the opening scene welcomes all viewers by discussing the value of love in a divided world. This concept is understand by all people, so the movie effectively reached beyond its targeted audience. The fact that this movie takes place during the holiday season builds a larger audience as people watch Christmas movies to get in the holiday spirit.

How has technology been used effectively?
Technology has been used effectively by shooting distinct shots of family members and loved ones reconnecting in the Heathrow Airport. The use of non-diegetic sound also represents advanced technological practices. Hugh Grant reflects on the love represented in the airport in his voice-over. Classical music plays lightly in the background to emphasize the tenderness represented in the opening scene. 
